Learning pole dance basics has become a trend not only for women but also for men. You can get many benefits from learning this form of dance, like better strength and coordination. You might not be as graceful as the professionals, but with years of practice, you get to learn a lot of things. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the first pole dance class.

1. Improve posture and form
To move smoothly and gracefully on the pole, know how to carry yourself wearing the right pole complete sets. Learn how to sit and stand, so the muscles and bones are in good form. Body awareness is important if you want to take pole dancing seriously. If you are aware of your posture, you can ensure that you are in the right posture. An improved posture and form help you in the long run. It not only betters the pole fit but also helps to enhance the blood flow, prevents pains and aches, avoids injuries, and improves overall well-being.
2. Learn from the experts
Learn pole dance basics from a trained instructor in a private class, studio, or online from home. You can choose from different types of pole classes such as exotic pole with heels, pole fitness, dance techniques, and more.
Online pole dance class is convenient if there is no studio near you. The benefit is that you can learn at your own pace and not worry about getting embarrassed by other dancers.
3. Warm-up
Before you start dancing on the pole, good stretching and warm-up are mandatory. Stretching helps to loosen the muscles and tendons and makes you flexible during the training class. In addition, the increased flow of blood to the muscles prepares you for the training class.
While performing these activities before the training, the heart rate and muscle temperature will gradually increase. The rise prevents stress on the body and heart and gives them time to adjust to their active state. It also helps to avoid pains and aches midway through the training.
4. Practice
Do not limit yourself in the classes while learning pole dance basics. There are many things you can know outside the class. Once you have learned the basics of pole dancing, try something new on your own.
Practice and make it correct, as it is the only way to be proficient in this dance form. The teachers and experts have gained experience through practice. As a beginner, it can be challenging to learn the pole dance basics, but with practice, you can overcome them and dance like an expert.
5. Right clothes
When you attend the first pole class, fitness shorts or pants with a tank top are considered the correct type of pole dance clothing. Wear the fitness outfit that makes you comfortable at the beginning. With time you will likely buy active wear such as shorts, pole tops, and different outfits. The right type of pole wear allows you to get a better grip on the pole than any tank tops or fitness pants.
Heels also help you to stay on the pole while climbing. Although heels are suitable for experienced pole dancers, it is your preference. Many people are comfortable with bare feet that give a better foot grip, and many sticks to ordinary sneakers.
6. Do not use lotion
It is recommended not to use any oil and lotion on the skin before the class. You need to have a grip so that if you put any moisturizer, you could slide off and hurt yourself. Do not forget to clean the pole before, after, and during the class to ensure a better grip. It also helps to remove the oil buildup from the skin.
7. Recover yourself
After a tough day at the pole dance basics class, do not forget to let the body recover. You can have a massage, go to a spa, and enjoy your favorite meal. Practicing is important, but you should also take time out to relax. Do not get burnt out from doing one thing. Take a holistic approach to taking care of your mental and physical health. Before engaging yourself in the dance class again, allow the muscles to restore their energy and let the heart get at a steady pace for at least one or two days.
These are some tips for beginners that can help to learn pole dance basics. You cannot be the best and learn all types of dance overnight. It takes time to dance like the professionals. To get better at pole dancing, follow these tips and practice to be the best at it. Have fun and enjoy the learning process. So do not stress while learning.